Explore the cosmos ... from anywhere.

Our planetarium shows offer you an unrivaled view of the cosmos, all while seated in the National Air and Space Museum or in front of your laptop. 

We offer a variety of ways to tour the universe through our planetarium programming. 

Jump to a Section:      By Reservation for Groups      Join a Regularly Scheduled Program

By Reservation

Arrange for your group to enjoy a planetarium show at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, or anywhere in the world through a virtual webinar. 

Reservable programs are available for groups of 10 or more. 

Join a Regularly Scheduled Planetarium Show

We offer daily ticketed planetarium shows at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, including several free shows throughout the month. 

You can also join our monthly virtual planetarium show presented via Zoom.

Adult visitors recline in chairs as an illustration of the constellations appear on the domed ceiling above them.


In Person Ticketed Planetarium Shows

Explore the night's sky or our cosmic neighborhood with the ticketed planetarium shows offered daily. 

Tickets can only be purchased at the Museum's box office. 

Free In Person Planetarium Shows

Tickets for both free planetarium show can be picked up at the box office. 

A map showing constellations in the night sky.


Free Virtual Planetarium Shows

What can we see looking up toward the sky? Take a facilitated journey to explore Earth’s sky, and discover how patterns and motions of the Solar System affect our everyday lives. 

Join a Museum educator on Zoom to explore these questions and more. 

Virtual Planetarium Shows are made possible by the generous support of Barron Hilton and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the Thomas W. Haas Foundation, and the Hillside Foundation - Allan and Shelley Holt.