(A) Layered sequence in the western bench are ~2.5-km-thick, dashed lines show contacts between sub-units (LD1 - LD4). Hollow white arrow points downslope. HiRISE image 1662-1520. (B) Detail of lowest unit, LD1 in the western bench is characterized by thicker, light-toned (LT) beds interbedded with thin, intermediate-toned layers (black arrows) that are weathering along meter-spaced joints to produce boulders. The boulders accumulate on the slopes and their downslope movement is often recorded by boulder tracks that can be over 1 km long (e.g., white arrow). Although the LT beds are typically heavily mantled, there are hints of finer layers or laminations at HiRISE resolution (28 cm/pixel). Hollow arrow points downslope.