A diagram of the makeup of Mission Control. Numbers and Letters correspond to the following:

B: Display and projection area

A: Glass fronted viewing room seating 74 authorized visitors

Fourth row, "The Trench" 
17: BOOSTER - Booster Systems Engineer 
18: RETRO - Retrofire Officer 
19: FDO - Flight Dynamics Officer 
20: GUIDO - Guidance Officer

Third row: 
11: SURGEON - Life Systems Officer/Flight Surgeon 
12: CAPCOM - Capsule Communicator 
13: EECOM - Electrical, Environmental, and Communications 
14: GNC - Guidance, Navigation, and Control 
15: TELMU - Telemetry, Electrical, and EVA Mobility Unit (LM EECOM) 16: CONTROL - LM Guidance & Navigation 

Second row: 
6: INCO - Instrumentation and Communications Officer 
7: O&P - Operations and Procedures 
8: AFLIGHT - Assistant Flight Director 
5: FLIGHT - Flight Director 
9: FAO - Flight Activities Officer 
10: NETWORK- Network Controller

First row: 
4: PAO - Public Affairs Office 
1: DFO - Director of Flight Operations 
2: HQ - NASA headquarters (Mission Operations Directorate) 3: DOD - Department of Defense A: Glass fronted viewing room seating 74 authorized visitors