A humorous drawing by Grandjouan from "L'Assiette au Beurre" of French politicians Georges Clemenceau (left) and Aristide Briand (right). A Wright-type biplane soars overhead in flight over the border between Germany and France. The caption reads:
"Clemenceau. -- Tou de même, avec ce truc-là, il n'y a plus de patries... Briand. -- Tant mieux !... Ça nous permettra de revenir à nos anciennes idées."
[Clemenceau: "Likewise, with this thing, there are no more homelands..." Briand: "Good! ... It will allow us to return to our old ideas."]
"Les Aéroplanes," issue No. 398 of the French satirical periodical "L'Assiette au Beurre," 14 November 1908, page 544.