Spend two weeks in Washington, DC, working with education and STEAM experts to explore the connections between informal STEAM education and authentic learning. Propose and develop goals for your own professional development, gain the skills to incorporate museum learning into your practice, and meet colleagues from around the country. There is no cost for teachers to participate and most expenses are paid by the Museum.

The National Air and Space Museum's Teacher Innovator Institute (TII) will welcome up to 30 teachers from across the United States each summer. Teachers will remain with the program for two summers, returning to Washington, DC in year two to reconnect, develop their practice, and mentor the newest class of Teacher Innovators.

Want to know what teachers do all day? See a sample TII schedule.


TII Teachers accepted in 2024 will be onsite in Washington, DC July 8-19, 2024 and July 14-25, 2025.
TII Teachers accepted in 2025 will be onsite in Washington, DC July 7-18, 2025 and July 13-24, 2026.

Who Should Apply

Middle School (grades 5-8) STEAM teachers who have an interest in expanding their practice to include informal education techniques. Ideal candidates are classroom teachers who plan on teaching for several years after TII. Efforts will be made to enroll a cohort that supports a diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environment. Early career educators, educators of color, LGBTQ+ educators, educators with disabilities, and educators working in the public sector, particularly Title I schools, are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions about the program or your eligibility, contact us.

Teachers Will Learn

During their time in Washington, DC, and during the school year, teachers will focus on authentic learning, including the incorporation of real-world problems, open-ended inquiry, and hands-on, student-driven practices. Cohort members will work to define the term as it relates to their practice and design content around it as they progress through the program. 

Through hands-on activities, museum tours, visits to other museums, group work, and expertise from museum educators and content experts, teachers will use aerospace science, history, and technology to shape their ideas about authentic learning and bring informal education techniques into their classrooms. 

As a part of the application process, teachers will be asked to propose a plan for development of their practice, both as professionals and as a member of their school community.

We Provide

  • There is no cost for teachers to participate. Teachers are provided with lodging, food, and travel.
  • During the institute, teachers will be given special museum experiences and access to content experts in both informal education and aerospace content.
  • Participants will also have opportunities to connect with their cohort and museum staff several times during the school year.

Expectations for Participants

  • Commit to the full two weeks each summer for two consecutive summers.
  • Propose and actively work on a professional development plan, iterating and reflecting upon it at least twice a year for two active program years. 
  • Actively participate in sessions led by Smithsonian Institution staff and guests on the marriage of informal and formal learning. 
  • Assist in the evaluation of and iteration upon current educational programming at the National Air and Space Museum. 

How to Apply

The application window for the Teacher Innovator Institute is currently closed and will reopen for the 2025 cohort in fall 2024. To stay updated on TII and other programs and resources for teachers, consider subscribing to our monthly Teacher Newsletter

Frequently Asked Questions

I teach grades other than 5-8. Can I still apply?
Yes. Our past cohorts serve students in grades PK-12 and beyond. We do prioritize middle school teachers when reviewing and selecting candidates, but if you fulfill the other criteria, we welcome your application.

I don’t teach Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math. Can I still apply?
Maybe. You don’t have to teach ALL of the subjects in STEAM to be considered. We have lots of current cohort members who just teach one of the STEAM disciplines, or who teach a STEAM discipline in addition to others. Those folks are often great candidates, especially if they work to include STEAM disciplines into the other parts of their curriculum. Folks who don’t teach any of the STEAM disciplines are not our target audience for this program. 

I am not a classroom teacher. Can I still apply?
Maybe. The focus of the Teacher Innovator Institute is supporting and uplifting classroom teachers, and through them, their students. Curriculum coaches and administrators may fulfill some of the criteria for application, but would need to demonstrate a direct impact on students to be considered. Folks working in public libraries, museums, universities, and other non-profit organizations are not eligible to apply.

Can educators outside the US apply?
No. TII is focused on teachers in the US and its territories for the time being. The only exception is for US teachers teaching abroad with programs like DoDEA. 

Can I submit more than two letters of recommendation?
No. Though we love to hear that many colleagues and community members want to say great things, please choose your two strongest letters of recommendation for submission, following the guidelines of one peer and one community recommendation.