Emeritus Scholars, Space History Department

Dr. David DeVorkin is senior curator, history of astronomy and the space sciences, at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. DeVorkin's research and collections center on the origins and development of modern astrophysics and the space sciences during the 20th Century. He has curated the exhibitions Stars: From Stonehenge to the Space Telescope, V-2: The World's First Ballistic Missile System, and Explore the Universe. He has also collaborated in upgrading the museum’s Space Hall and is presently engaged with other curators transforming all the above exhibitions. He created the Museum’s Phoebe Waterman Haas Public Observatory and related outreach programming in astronomy education. He is the author/editor/compiler of 18 books and more than 125 scholarly and popular articles. DeVorkin holds a PhD in the history of astronomy from the University of Leicester and an MPhil in astronomy from Yale University.

Contact Information devorkind@si.edu (202) 633-2425
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