As a volunteer at the National Air and Space Museum, I’ve been talking to visitors about astronomy for over 25 years. Right now is an exciting time to be volunteering here thanks to the total solar eclipse that will happen this summer. As an astronomy enthusiast and an eclipse chaser, I have some great advice to share on how best to view an eclipse. 

My Experience Chasing Eclipses
A solar eclipse is one of the most fantastic natural phenomena you will ever see. I know, because I have seen five eclipses. As an amateur astronomer, I chase eclipses to study and observe the Sun. I like to look at sunspots and other surface features, and viewing the Sun during an eclipse is a great opportunity to see even more. It’s also a great excuse to travel to other parts of the planet.

I experienced my first total eclipse in North Carolina nearly 46 years ago. Although I did not have a telescope with me at the time, I did record the temperature drop for fun using a Heathkit Chart Recorder and a temperature sensor. That first eclipse wasn’t much work: I sat on the ground and just enjoyed it. From my spot, I could watch the shadow bands forming and then I looked up right at the moment of totality. 

My second solar eclipse occurred near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in 1991. I brought my big 20-centimeter (8-inch) diameter solar telescope, which was a big mistake. I learned that you don’t need a big telescope to view a solar eclipse, and it was a pain to travel with.


The author at a total solar eclipse in Mexico in 1991.

In 1998, I saw an eclipse at Curaçao in the Caribbean. It hadn’t rained in months, but then it rained that morning for about 10 minutes. Everyone was tearing their hair out thinking they wouldn’t be able to see the eclipse! But after a few drops, it cleared up. For this eclipse, I helped the International Occultation Timing Association (IOTA) gather data to help determine the width of the path for the eclipse. IOTA assigned me to go to the edge of the eclipse to help determine if the width of the Sun had changed over time. In general, results from IOTA research seem to show that the Sun's diameter does change very slightly over an 11-year cycle.

My fourth eclipse was in 1999, when there was also an IOTA meeting in Stuttgart, Germany. It was cloudy and raining, so we got in a car and drove. We ended up outside of Strasbourg, France, but we weren’t able to set up our instruments to gather data. Even though we could only see the eclipse through a hole in the clouds, it is still one of my favorite eclipse memories. One of the people with me had never seen a total eclipse before, and it drove her to tears.

For the 2017 eclipse, I headed to Casper, Wyoming, to sit down in the middle of the path and enjoy it. I went to Casper because there is a better chance of clear weather, the Astronomical League is holding their annual convention there, and it’s also on the center line of totality. 


The author uses a solar telescope to look at a solar eclipse in 1991 in Mexico. 

How You Can Chase an Eclipse Too
What should you do while chasing the eclipse this summer? Look at the weather reports, make sure you have a car, and drive. There may be clouds above you at one location, but none in a different direction.

Whether you are in totality or not, you have to be careful looking at the Sun. You will also need some kind of eye protection during the partial eclipse. Solar eclipse glasses are good and inexpensive. You can also find instructions online for ideas on how to safely observe the eclipse without glasses. I once observed a partial eclipse safely in 2015. I was visiting my son in Switzerland and had forgotten my eclipse glasses. I made a slit with my fingers and I could see the eclipse on the ground.

I will also bring a video camera with lenses and a solar filter so I can get a large image of the Sun. My filters reduce the Sun’s light by 100,000 times, making it safe to view. 

Wherever you are, I hope you get a chance to observe this amazing astronomical event.

This blog post has been updated from the original version that was posted in 2017.

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