Gary Kerr’s lifelong love affair with Star Trek and the starship Enterprise studio model has lead him down a number of interesting paths. From early pilgrimages to the National Air and Space Museum to admire the model on display to creating highly detailed blueprints of the model used, among other things, in the Star Trek – Deep Space Nine episode, “Trials & Tribble-ations.”

Last year, this fascination lead the “Trek-xpert” on an epic quest to find just the right hardware, the actual nuts and bolts, that make up the Enterprise studio model.

As a member of the Museum’s special advisory committee for the restoration and preservation of the model, Gary has assumed the role of Sci-Fi archeologist. He was kind enough to share some of his findings in the following report, available for download below. In it, he recounts his efforts over the past year to document missing parts and secure the hardware needed to restore the model. He also shares how major components of the model were replicated and some spectacular “ah-ha” moments.

Download the Report