As I have been scanning the correspondence that science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke received over his lifetime, a constant staple of correspondence always crops up near the end of a year. These being the abundant number of Christmas cards Clarke would get around the holidays. Most of these would be from people that Clarke had regular contact throughout the years like Wernher von Braun to governmental officials like the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. Outside of the usual holiday correspondence that Clarke received, he would sometimes get Christmas cards from the most surprising of places. One example being a card he got from Lucasfilm (Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC) in 1981. The front of the card depicts Yoda dressed as Santa Claus.

No matter the source of the cards that were sent to Arthur C. Clarke, they all wished him a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year.

Please enjoy a selection of holiday cards sent to Clarke below.


Holiday card sent to Arthur C. Clarke, December 1969. “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wernher and Maria Von Braun.” NASM.2015.0010-bx006-fd005_046


Holiday card from Esther Goddard (widow of Robert H. Goddard) to Arthur C. Clarke, 1972. Preprinted text “Maple Hill and Esther Goddard send warmest greetings of the Season." Handwritten note: "Many thanks for your card with the lovely pictures of the Ceylon beach. I’m delighted you are going to speak at the RHG Memorial Dinner in Washington in March.” NASM.2015.0010-bx009-fd002_079


Christmas card from Arthur C. Clarke, 1971, featuring a beach scene (presumably Ceylon) and Santa Claus. NASM.2015.0010-bx008-fd002_071


Holiday card from Todd Hawley, chairman and co-founder of national organiation SEDS-USA (Students for the Exploration and Development of Space). Photo of Hawley posing at a railing in front of Kitts Peak Observatory, Arizona. "To ‘Uncle Arthur’ + all: Happy Holidays Best wishes for 1985! Todd Hawley ‘84” NASM.2015.0010-bx035-fd003_052

George Tyler Crock is a contract archivist with the National Air and Space Museum Archives. He is currently digitizing the Arthur C. Clarke Collection of Sri Lanka. He has also digitized the Sally K. Ride Papers and the Herbert Stephen Desind Collection.