The Mission to transform the Museum

The National Air and Space Museum is undergoing a monumental multi-year renovation, which began in 2018. The first eight galleries opened in October 2022 and the remaining galleries and spaces will reopen in phases from spring 2025 through 2026.

Building on a commitment from Congress, we are within sight of our $285 million goal to bring new artifacts, stories, and interactive experiences to our exhibitions and renovate the entire Museum, inside and out.

of $285 Million Goal

Mission Stats


galleries and spaces being reimagined for immersive learning


new objects on display


artifacts moved and preserved


years devoted to transforming the world’s most popular museum

Opened in 2022

Eight New Galleries

From the first airplane, to landing on the Moon, exploring the planets, to exploring speed on planet Earth, our eight newly-opened galleries cover all this and more. Discover the stories there are to explore in the newly transformed wing of the Museum. 

Be the Spark

A mission this ambitious is impossible without you. 

Every gift brings us closer to our goal. Donate today and take your place in the history and future of air and space.