Civilian Application Satellites

Explore satellites used for communications, monitoring the weather, and exploring the Earth.

Your search found 170 result(s).

Radiosonde Object Monitoring Device, Radiosonde, NOAA Object ITOS Meteorological Satellite Object Sensor, Vidicon Tube, Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) Object Applications Technology Satellite, ATS-1 Object Meteorological Satellite, ITOS E-2 Object Hub Bridge Truss, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Structural Hub Tower Support, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Miscellaneous Parts, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Solar Panel, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Solar Panel, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Reflector Support Truss, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Reflector Support Truss, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Reflector Support Truss, Model, Satellite, Applications Tech, ATS 6 Object Applications Technology Satellite 6 (ATS 6), Earth Viewing Module Object Model, Satellite, Remote Sensing, Landsat C Object Model, Laser Geodynamics Satellite (LAGEOS) Object Data Collection Platform, Uemura's North Polar Expedition Object Antenna, High Gain, Uemura's North Polar Expedition Object Sensor, Multispectral Scanner, Skylab Object Communications Satellite, Echo 1 Object Clamp, Marmon, Echo 1 Object Propulsion Unit, Communications Satellite, Echo 1 Object Communications Satellite, Syncom A Object
Selected filters: Place: United States of America