

Learning Resources

Flights of Fancy Story Time Field Trip Pre and Post Visit Materials - Wright Brothers - Spanish A mix of activities from experiments to writing activities. Expand learning on concepts connected to the Wright Brothers and Early Flight. These activities connect to standards of learning. https://s.si.edu/WrightBrothersPreandPostVisitMaterials_es_us Grade K, Grade 1, Grade 2 Aircraft, Balloons, Aviation, Early flight, People, Records and Firsts



Flights of Fancy Story Time: "The Incredible Balloon Flight to Dizzying Heights" National Air and Space Museum. Museum educator Ann Caspari will read the original story The Incredible Balloon Flight to Dizzying Heights. https://youtu.be/BcekIlHC-C4 Grade PK, Grade K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3 Balloons, People, Science



STEM in 30: A Sky Full of Color: Live from the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Join STEM in 30 as we explore the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and bring you the history of balloons, the science behind hot-air and gas balloons, and the pageantry of the Fiesta. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuk51Ne-b3Y Grade 7, Grade 6, Grade 8 Balloons



What’s New in Aerospace: Nation Wide Balloon Launch Update Teacher Trevor MacDuff, students Audrey and Jack, and KMBC9 Meteorologist Neville Miller discuss their balloon launch and what students can learn from a launch. https://youtu.be/QAXpxif3Jdc Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12, Grades 13-14, Grades 15-16, Grades 17-20 Balloons, Physical science



Air and Space Live Chat: Master Hot Air Balloon Pilot Bill Costen They may seem low-tech but balloons are important to aviation and space. This live chat features pioneering Black hot air balloon pilot Bill Costen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1860PeSUzKM African American or Black people, Balloons



Air and Space Live Chat: Student Balloon Launch: Medium Altitude Balloons Along with the help of teachers from across the country, the Museum launched medium altitude balloons that could potentially travel around the globe. Learn more about these balloons here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WC4nxlrZ2Y Balloons

