  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Earth
  • The Moon
  • The Moon
  • Mars
  • Mars
  • Asteroids
  • Asteroids
  • Jupiter
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Neptune
  • Dwarf Planets
  • Dwarf Planets
  • Comets
  • Comets
  • The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS) houses a Planetary Image Facility containing hard copy images that act as a reference library in order to provide planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data obtained from planetary missions.


  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Earth
  • The Moon
  • The Moon
  • Mars
  • Mars
  • Asteroids
  • Asteroids
  • Jupiter
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Uranus
  • Neptune
  • Neptune
  • Dwarf Planets
  • Dwarf Planets
  • Comets
  • Comets
  • The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS) houses a Planetary Image Facility containing hard copy images that act as a reference library in order to provide planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data obtained from planetary missions.


    Custom Image Caption

    Aurorae on Uranus
    These are among the first clear images, taken from the distance of Earth, to show aurorae on the planet Uranus. Aurorae are produced when high-energy particles from the Sun cascade along magnetic field lines into a planet's upper atmosphere. This causes the planet's atmospheric gasses to fluoresce. The ultraviolet images were taken at the time of heightened solar activity in November 2011 that successively buffeted the Earth, Jupiter, and Uranus with a gusher of charged particles from the Sun. Because Uranus' magnetic field is inclined 59 degrees to its spin axis, the auroral spots appear far from the planet's north and south poles. This composite image combines 2011 Hubble observations of the aurorae in visible and ultraviolet light, 1986 Voyager 2 photos of the cyan disk of Uranus as seen in visible light, and 2011 Gemini Observatory observations of the faint ring system as seen in infrared light.

    NASA, ESA, and L. Lamy (Observatory of Paris, CNRS, CNES)

    Custom Image Caption

    Uranus Ring System
    This dramatic Voyager 2 picture reveals a continuous distribution of small particles throughout the Uranus ring system. Voyager took this image while in the shadow of Uranus, at a distance of 236,000 kilometers (142,000 miles and a resolution of about 33 km (20 ml). .


    Custom Image Caption

    Uranus - Full-disk View of Titania
    Voyager 2 obtained this full-disk view of Uranus' moon Titania in the early morning hours of Jan. 24, 1986, from a distance of about 500,000 kilometers (300,000 miles).


    Custom Image Caption

    Uranus' Upper Atmosphere
    This computer enhancement of a Voyager 2 image, emphasizes the high-level haze in Uranus' upper atmosphere. Clouds are obscured by the overlying atmosphere.


    Custom Image Caption

    Uranus, towards the planet's pole of rotation
    These two pictures of Uranus were compiled from images recorded by Voyager 2 on Jan. 1O, 1986, when the NASA spacecraft was 18 million kilometers (11 million miles) from the planet.


    Custom Image Caption

    Complex Terrain on Ariel, Satellite of Uranus
    View of Ariel, a moon of Uranus, taken by the Voyager 2 spacecraft on January 24, 1986.


    Please Note: The facility does not sell imagery and cannot provide reproduction services. A guide to Resources for Earth and Planetary Research is available to also help individuals find available imagery online.