Get a hands-on experience! 

Science demonstrations are interactive shows that bring the STEM concepts found in our galleries to life. 

These shows use live experiments, hands-on activities, and authentic museum artifacts to break down complex concepts. Science demonstrations cover popular topics such as the physics of flight, engineering innovations, and the science of space exploration. 

These presentations last approximately 25-30 minutes, available to visitors of all age and skill levels.

These experiences are available in person and online. Join us for demonstrations that take place on a regular schedule at both Museum locations, reserve a demonstration for your field trip group, or watch a demonstration anytime on demand. 

Jump to a Section:      On Demand Video      By Reservation for Groups      Join a Regularly Scheduled Program

On Demand Video

Watch these videos anytime on the Museum website or YouTube.

How Things Fly

What makes an airplane fly? How does a spacecraft stay in orbit? Why does a balloon float in the air? 

How Things Fly videos explore science behind the forces of flight.

By Reservation

A young man with light brown skin and curly hair wearing a red polo talks to a family with adults and children of all ages, all looking at objects on a cart--except for one young boy who looks up reverently at the Explainer.

Arrange for your group to enjoy a science demonstration at either Museum location. 

Reservable programs are available for groups of 10 or more. 

Join a Regularly Scheduled Science Demonstration 

A young Black woman in a red polo holds out a hula hoop. A few feet back a young boy is captured in motion, having just flown a paper airplane. The plane zooms between the two.

Science demonstrations are scheduled happen weekly at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. 

The Explainers Program is made possible by the generous support of RTX.