Just like you conduct experiments in your science class, astronauts do experiments while in space. The microgravity of space allows astronauts to carry out experiments that would not be possible in the gravity of Earth.

There are more than 300 experiments currently happening aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts are studying things like DNA sequencing plant growth, and even how their own health is impacted aboard the ISS. Scientists are eager to know the health effects of long-term space travel. So far we know that space can affect your vision, bone density, and muscle mass, but there are still many more questions to be answered.

Join the STEM in 30 team and astronaut Kate Rubins for an experiment about extracting DNA that you can try in your classroom! 


Astronaut Randy Bresnik explains why experiments are conducted on the International Space Station. Also check out a DNA experiment you can do in your classroom as astronaut Kate Rubins shows us how to extract DNA from peas. 

Subject: Life Science | Grade Level: 6-10 | Time: 45-60 Minutes

Lesson Plan: DNA Extraction