Showing 1 - 10 of 13


Posted on Nov 14, 2017

Just like you conduct experiments in your science class, astronauts do experiments while in space. The microgravity of space allows astronauts to carry out experiments that would not be possible in the gravity of Earth. There are more than 300 experiments currently happening aboard the International Space Station (ISS).


Posted on Oct 05, 2017

The spacesuits that astronauts wear act as their own personal spacerafts--regulating their temperatures, and made to protect them from micrometeorites while outside of the International Space Station. Join the STEM in 30 team as they create their own "space suits" for some astronaut "Taternauts." 


Posted on Sep 12, 2017

Can you imagine your teacher being chosen to be a NASA astronaut? Students in Joe Acaba’s secondary math and science classes in Florida can. Acaba was one of 11 candidates selected for the 2004 astronaut class. The process to become an astronaut is one of the most competitive and highly selective processes in the world. Do you think you have what it takes?