Aerospace innovations contribute to understanding, monitoring, and mitigating climate change.

The new Aerospace and Our Changing Environment exhibition will focus on how aerospace innovations help us understand climate change while providing opportunities to mitigate and adapt to the problem through new technologies. Visitors will learn how climate data is collected, monitored, and analyzed. The exhibition will also explore how aerospace innovations are advancing energy, agriculture, and aviation to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Aerospace and Our Changing Environment aims to strike a balance between the urgency of climate change and the hopeful possibility of individual and collective actions against it. 

The exhibition will be presented in the Holt Innovations gallery. This dynamic space will feature exhibitions that rotate every 18-24 months and explore the different ways aerospace innovations are a central feature of contemporary life and are transforming our future.

Learn about all the ways we're transforming the Museum

About our Donors

Location in Museum

National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC
Gallery 105
A drawing of the floor plan of the national air and space museum's national mall building. The top of the map has a label for the national mall and the bottom of the map has a label for independence avenue. The map is gray with a yellow square in the bottom lefthand corner, denoting the location of gallery 105.
A rendering of a museum gallery with a small aircraft suspended from the ceiling visible in the foreground and a weather balloon in the background, with interpretive panels throughout the space.

Take a Look Inside the Gallery

Enjoy this artist's rendering depicting what the gallery will look like.

Explore More About Climate and Aerospace

The Museum gratefully acknowledges those who have generously supported this gallery.

The Aerospace and Our Changing Environment exhibition is generously supported by:


GE Aerospace

Founding support for the Allan and Shelley Holt Innovations Gallery is generously provided by:

The Hillside Foundation – Allan and Shelley Holt


Girl looking up at astronaut suit model at the National Air and Space Museum.

Museum Transformation

Be the Spark

A major renovation is underway as we reimagine our galleries and presentation spaces in our iconic National Mall building in Washington, DC. Join us as we inspire a new generation of pioneers and explorers.

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