Board Members
Ms. Gina F. Adams
Mr. David J. Barger
Mr. Thomas Bartelmo
Mr. Mark L. Burns
Mr. Matthew E. Byrd
Ms. Karen M. Dahut
The Honorable Linda Hall Daschle
Mr. Matthew J. Desch
Mr. Sameer Gandhi
Mr. Tom Gentile, III
Mr. Thomas W. Haas
Dr. Janet Kavandi
Mr. C. Jeffrey Knittel
Mr. Roger A. Krone
General Lester L. Lyles
Mr. Jamie J. McJunkin
Mr. James C. Murray
Ms. Sarah C. Rhoads
Mr. Phillip Sarofim
Mr. Adam Savage
Dr. Michael J. Weir
Mr. Thomas L. Wilson


Board Members Emeritus
Mr. Ronald W. Allen 
Mr. Daniel Baker
The Honorable Marion C. Blakey
Mr. Neil D. Cohen  
Mr. Mark B. Dunkerley
Mr. Scott C. Donnelly
Mr. Edsel B. Ford II 
Mr. Stuart Fred 
Mr. Kenneth E. Gazzola
Mr. S. Taylor Glover
Mr. James M. Guyette
Mr. Ralph D. Heath
Mr. Shephard W. Hill
Ms. Dawne S. Hickton
Mr. Allan M. Holt 
Dr. Christopher T. Jones
Mr. Clayton M. Jones 
Mr. Gary C. Kelly
Mr. Rodney R. Lewis 
Mr. Steven R. Loranger
Capt. James A. Lovell, USN (Ret.) 
Ms. Meredith Siegfried Madden
Mrs. Adrienne Bevis Mars
Mr. Bruce R. McCaw 
Ms. Linda A. Mills
Mr. Robert A. Milton
Mr. Thomas G. Morr 
Mr. H. Ross Perot, Jr.
Mr. Robert W. Pittman 
Mr. John L. Plueger 
Mr. Thomas F. Pumpelly 
Mr. David P. Storch
Dr. Richard Sugden 
Mr. David M. Tolley
Dr. Frederick W. Telling 
Mr. Steuart L. Walton
Mr. Paul R. Wood



Advisory Board

Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration
Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force
Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
Chief of Staff of the United States Army
Chief of Space Operations, United States Space Force
Commandant of the United States Coast Guard
Commandant of the United States Marine Corps

Presidential Appointees:
Amanda Wright Lane, Trustee, The Wright Brothers Family Foundation
Dr. Tam O’Shaughnessy, Executive Director, Sally Ride Science

Ex-officio Members:
Secretary, Smithsonian Institution
John and Adrienne Mars Director, National Air and Space Museum