Showing 51 - 60 of 81
Beatrice Mowry
Beatrice Mowry is the head of the Exhibits Design Department which consists of design managers, architects, writer editors, media specialists, and an illustrator.
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Teasel Muir-Harmony
Dr. Teasel Muir-Harmony is a historian of science and technology and the curator of the Apollo Collection. Before coming to the Smithsonian, she earned a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
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Valerie Neal
Dr. Valerie Neal is an emerita curator in the Department of Space History.
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Allan Needell
Dr. Allan A. Needell, curator emeritus, earned a BA in physics from Cornell University and a PhD in the history of science from Yale University.
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Fiona Nichols-Fleming
Dr. Fiona Nichols-Fleming is an Earth and Planetary Science Postdoctoral Fellow in National Air and Space Museum's Center for Earth and Planetary Studies.
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Cole Nypaver
Dr. Cole Nypaver is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the National Air and Space Museum Center for Earth and Planetary Studies. He received his B.S. degree in Geology from Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania in 2017, followed by his M.S. in Geology (2019) and Ph.D.
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Julia Orr
Julia Orr is a Museum Program Specialist for the S.H.E. Can program at the National Air and Space Museum. Julia focuses on creating opportunities and expanding access to STEM fields for underrepresented youth populations.
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Thomas Paone
Thomas Paone curates the lighter-than-air collection, including balloons, blimps, and airships. The collection consists of over 500 items, from small pieces of fabric from the Hindenburg airship, to the Explorer II go
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Deborah Duerbeck Parr
Deborah Duerbeck Parr holds an M.S. in Art Conservation from the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, where she studied the conservation of wood and paintings. Prior to that, she earned a B.A.
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Michael Persaud
Michael A. Persaud is a Digital Content Specialist at the National Air and Space Museum. He holds a Master of Arts and two Bachelor of Arts degrees in history and film production, respectively.
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