Small solar system bodies—along with the Sun, planets, and dwarf planets—help make up our Solar System. Small solar system bodies include things like comets, asteroids, moons, and the icy objects in the Kuiper Belt and the Oort cloud.
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Tune in to a special Flights of Fancy Story Time interview with the authors of the children's book Pluto's Secret.
In this special author session, Margaret Weitekamp reads the book, Pluto’s Secret: An Icy World’s Tale of Discovery
Have you ever wondered how important people get to where they are? NASA's deputy director, Dava Newman, shares her path in this segment brought to you by STEM in 30.
On Triton, Neptune’s largest moon, seasons last an average of 40 years, complete with nitrogen snow. Here’s how Triton’s summer solstice compares to Earth’s.
Kepler’s laws show the effects of gravity on orbits. They apply to any object that orbits another: planets orbiting the Sun, moons orbiting a planet, spacecraft orbiting Earth.’s-laws-orbital-motion
In this special author session; Margaret Weitekamp reads the book; Pluto’s Secret: An Icy World’s Tale of Discovery