U.S. National Science Foundation Discovering Our Universe illuminates how the development of new and more precise tools transformed our understanding of the origin, content, and fate of the universe.

Discover the history of modern astronomy and where the field is headed. Explore how we find answers in astronomy, how that process has changed over time, and how those answers tend to raise deeper questions.

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Related Topics: Astronomy Telescopes Science Technology and Engineering Satellites Solar System Exoplanets Small solar system bodies Dwarf planets Take a Look Inside the Gallery

Enjoy this artist's rendering depicting what the gallery will look like.

Hubble Space Telescope

Dive Deeper into Our Universe

The Great Observatories: Directing the Future of Astronomical Research The Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Women of Chilean Astronomy

The Museum gratefully acknowledges those who have generously supported this gallery.

U.S. National Science Foundation

Thomas W. Haas Foundation

Arnold Miller

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Museum Transformation Be the Spark

A major renovation is underway as we reimagine our galleries and presentation spaces in our iconic National Mall building in Washington, DC. Join us as we inspire a new generation of pioneers and explorers.

Learn About Our Transformation