The 1920s and 1930s, or the interwar years, found the United States "air-minded." In this period between World War I and World War II record setting flights made headlines, explorers set out on new adventure via aircraft, new aviation technology was introduced, and more people entered into the world of aviation.

National Air Races Official Program

The 1920s and 1930s, or the interwar years, found the United States "air-minded." In this period between World War I and World War II record setting flights made headlines, explorers set out on new adventure via aircraft, new aviation technology was introduced, and more people entered into the world of aviation.

National Air Races Official Program


Learning Resources

How do you put on an Apollo spacesuit? So how do you put on a spacesuit? Very carefully! Even in the case of custom–made suits from the Apollo era. Grades 17-20, Grades 13-14, Grade 12, Grade 11, Grade 10, Grade 9, Grade 8, Grade 7, Grade 6, Grade 5, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grades 15-16 Interwar aviation, Apollo program



What’s New in Aerospace: Spying From the Edge of Space: Colonel Buz Carpenter and the SR–71 Blackbird Join us for a conversation with Col. Carpenter about flying this legendary aircraft. Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 4, Grades 17-20, Grades 13-14, Grades 15-16, Grade 12, Grade 10, Grade 11 Aircraft, Interwar aviation, Reconnaissance, Technology and Engineering

