Six astronauts currently call the International Space Station (ISS) home: NASA astronauts Randy “Komrade” Bresnik, Joe Acaba, and Mark Vande Hei, are joined by Russian cosmonauts Sergey Ryazansky and Alexander Misurkin, and Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli. This trip aboard the ISS is Nespoli's third mission to space.

Born in Milan, Nespoli served in the Italian Army before coming to the United States. He received a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering and a master’s degree in astronautics from the Polytechnic University in New York. His first mission to space was in 2007, when he became the first astronaut to launch at the age of 60. He traveled on Space Shuttle Discovery and stayed just over 15 days. Three years later, Nespoli returned to space on Expedition 26 for a six month mission.

Watch Nespoli talk to the STEM in 30 team about the different challenges he has faced in space and the differences between space shuttles and Soyuz capsules.


In this episode of ISS Science Astronaut Randy Bresnik talks about fellow crewmate Paolo Nespoli. 

Subject: History of Spaceflight, International Space Station | Grade Level: 5-8 |Time: 30 Minutes


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