Revenues, in Percent, FY 2020

Contributions & Private Grants 56.4% A chart depicting revenues in percent for 2020.
Federal Appropriations 32.6%
Other (includes Business Income)* 5.1%
Investment Earnings 5%
Government Grants & Contracts 0.8%
Total Revenue 100.0%

*Business income generated through Smithsonian Enterprises and includes revenues from parking, restaurants, retail, PD&L and other royalties.

Expenses, in Percent, FY 2020

Exhibitions 55.2% a chart of expenses in percent
Collections Activity 18.0%
Research 5.8%
Public Programs 5.3%
Management and Operations 7.4%
Advancement 5.3%
Information Technology 2.6%
Facilities 0.4%
Total Expenses 100.0%

Revenues, in Percent, FY 2020

Contributions & Private Grants 56.4% A chart depicting revenues in percent for 2020.
Federal Appropriations 32.6%
Other (includes Business Income)* 5.1%
Investment Earnings 5%
Government Grants & Contracts 0.8%
Total Revenue 100.0%

*Business income generated through Smithsonian Enterprises and includes revenues from parking, restaurants, retail, PD&L and other royalties.

Expenses, in Percent, FY 2020

Exhibitions 55.2% a chart of expenses in percent
Collections Activity 18.0%
Research 5.8%
Public Programs 5.3%
Management and Operations 7.4%
Advancement 5.3%
Information Technology 2.6%
Facilities 0.4%
Total Expenses 100.0%