Revenues, in Percent, FY 2016

Federal Appropriations 44.81%
Contributions & Private Grants 31.79%
Business Income from Smithsonian Enterprises 12.96%
Investment Earnings 5.00%
Government Grants & Contracts 1.21%
Other Income 4.23%
Total Revenue 100.00%


Expenses, in Percent, FY 2016*

Exhibitions 29.23%
Collections Activity 16.44%
Research 13.53%
Management and Operations 12.29%
Public Programs 11.52%
Other Operations 8.12%
Facilities 5.22%
Information Technology 3.65%
Total Expenses 100.00%


Financial Activity, in Millions of Dollars, FY 2014 and FY 2013



Operating Revenue 44.1 45.9
Operating Expenses 53.0 48.3
Increase in Operating Net Assets (8.9) (2.4)


Revenues, in Percent, FY 2016

Federal Appropriations 44.81%
Contributions & Private Grants 31.79%
Business Income from Smithsonian Enterprises 12.96%
Investment Earnings 5.00%
Government Grants & Contracts 1.21%
Other Income 4.23%
Total Revenue 100.00%


Expenses, in Percent, FY 2016*

Exhibitions 29.23%
Collections Activity 16.44%
Research 13.53%
Management and Operations 12.29%
Public Programs 11.52%
Other Operations 8.12%
Facilities 5.22%
Information Technology 3.65%
Total Expenses 100.00%


Financial Activity, in Millions of Dollars, FY 2014 and FY 2013



Operating Revenue 44.1 45.9
Operating Expenses 53.0 48.3
Increase in Operating Net Assets (8.9) (2.4)