The Guggenheim Fellowships are competitive three- to twelve-month in-residence fellowships for pre- or postdoctoral research in aviation and space history. Predoctoral applicants should have completed preliminary course work and examinations and be engaged in dissertation research. Postdoctoral applicants should have received their PhD within the past seven years. An annual stipend of $40,000 for predoctoral candidates and $55,000 for postdoctoral candidates will be awarded, with limited additional funds for travel and miscellaneous.

Candidates are encouraged to pursue programs of research and writing that support publication of works that are scholarly in tone and substance and intended for publication as articles in peer-reviewed journals or in book form from a reputable publisher (in the case of post postdoctoral applicants) or in a doctoral dissertation (in the case of pre-docs). 

Applications open on: mid-October
Applications due by: December 15
Deadline for letters of reference: December 15
Notification by: Mid-March
Fellowships start dates: Normally between July 1 and September 15


Each fellow will work closely with staff members who have similar interests. Staff members of the Aeronautics Department currently conduct research into aviation history including such themes as the growth and impact of aeronautics on society; the evolution of aircraft technology; and the development of air transport and military aviation. The department emphasizes both U.S. and international aspects of aviation history. Members of the Space History Department conduct research in the history of post-war science and technology and the history of space flight, and have written major works on the history of rocketry and the origins of space science.


Excellent archival and library staff and facilities are available. The Museum's archival collection contains photographs, motion picture film, a major collection of technical manuals and engineering drawings, and other documentary materials. The library holds over 29,000 book volumes and 11,000 serial volumes. The archival and library collections cover the history of aviation, space science and exploration, flight technology, aerospace industry, aerospace biography, lighter-than-air technology, and rocketry. The Center for Earth and Planetary Studies houses a NASA-supported Regional Planetary Image Facility that contains photographs, images and digital data of the planets and their satellites, as well as cartographic products generated from these images. Access to all other Smithsonian libraries, the Library of Congress, and the National Archives is available.

Guggenheim Foundation

The Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation was established in 1924 to advance the "well-being of mankind throughout the world." The Foundation supported Robert Goddard's work on the development of liquid-propelled rockets and established many research centers and scholarly activities concerned with the aerospace sciences and exploration. The National Air and Space Museum's Guggenheim Fellowship reflects the Foundation's continuing interest in the aerospace sciences.

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How to Apply

Founding support for the Guggenheim Fellowship Program is provided by the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation. Additional support is provided by France A. Córdova and Christian J. Foster through the Armstrong-Ride Endowment.