Find an honoree's name:

Planning to visit the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center and want to see your honoree's name? You can find out the exact location of any honoree by searching below or you can stop by the John L. Plueger Family Welcome Center inside the Museum for assistance.

Find an honoree's profile:

As part of each Wall of Honor contribution, donors may submit a short profile and a picture of their honoree. If a profile has been submitted, you can find it (along with his or her location) by searching below. If you recognized someone on the Wall of Honor and would like to submit a profile about them, please send an email to

Profile information is continually added and may take time to appear. If you’re experiencing errors, please email us.

Find an honoree's name:

Planning to visit the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center and want to see your honoree's name? You can find out the exact location of any honoree by searching below or you can stop by the John L. Plueger Family Welcome Center inside the Museum for assistance.

Find an honoree's profile:

As part of each Wall of Honor contribution, donors may submit a short profile and a picture of their honoree. If a profile has been submitted, you can find it (along with his or her location) by searching below. If you recognized someone on the Wall of Honor and would like to submit a profile about them, please send an email to

Profile information is continually added and may take time to appear. If you’re experiencing errors, please email us.

Search list of Honorees

Showing 41 - 80 of 35545

Engraved Name Foil Panel Column Line
Blue Sky Group Inc. 5 4 1 49
Bradmark Technologies Inc. 25 2 2 6
CAM International Trade Inc. 5 4 1 56
Camden Aviation Inc 5 4 1 57
CIGNA Foundation 3 2 4 79
Clifton Community Woman's Club 7 2 1 105
CoEx 18 Jun 01 New Hire Class 3 2 4 61
Connecticut Model Airplane Club 7 3 2 106
Cottingham/Paramo/Dec 27 1999 11 2 3 9
Cross & Cockade 1 2 2 111
CS-19 Class of 1973 USAFA 11 4 2 65
Cutter Aviation Inc. 13 2 2 22
D & K Aviation Inc. 5 4 1 67
D.B. Airlines 3 4 2 102
David R. Hinson 56 1 1 20
David Russell Hinson 44 3 1 11
David Russell Hinson 56 2 1 7
Delta MCO F/A Base 17 2 4 68
Dolphin Aviation Sarasota FL 3 4 2 73
DRB Aviation Consultants 5 3 1 54
Dreamer 15 3 4 13
Eastern Eagles Flying Club 37 1 1 11
Eckel Valve Company 29 1 1 3
EDS Corp 5 4 2 7
Enlisted Pilots Navy USMC USCG 7 2 2 50
Esterby Technical Services LLC 15 2 3 25
Fairfax Retired Educators 24 1 1 14
Federal Aviation Title Company 3 4 2 103
Federal Mogul Flight Dept 3 4 2 99
Fibrebond Corp 5 3 1 70
First Moon Steps Foundation 11 3 1 59
Fitzgerald Automalls 5 4 2 24
Flight Services Group 26 2 2 3 36 1 1 17
Georgia Crown Distributing Co. 5 3 1 74
Golden Komotion Turbine 1 4 3 4
Greater Cincinnati 99's 7 3 3 6
Groen Brothers Aviation Inc. 5 3 1 75
Gulf Aerospace Inc. 11 3 3 28
Hallmark Aviation Limited 5 4 2 19